Friday, March 13, 2009

PokeNewz: Coverage you can count on!

Pokemon Platinum

In this game, the world of Sinnoh is the same in the beginning and then you get pulled into the Distortion World, where you find Giratina and battle Cyrus once more! I don't have it yet, but I will and then maybe we can battle! Well, when I get more on this, I'll post. That's it for tonight on PokeNewz! :)


Anonymous said...

You can also go to the battlefronteir too. I bet you knew that though.:) Platinum rocks!!!

A said...

Oh, I knew that! I just forgot for a second... thanks for reminding me!!! :D

mewtwojamieadv said...

also you can catch all three palkia dialga and giratina

A said...

Kwl, I thought you could only catch Giratina- that's interesting, thanks :)

mewtwojamieadv said...

you know if you downloaded the regigigas on mystery gift to your diamond or pearl version from toys are us and traded it to your platinum version once you got the national dex you can also catch all 3 original regi's.